#Voice In The Room

Amplifying Stories of When We Are The Only Ones

Welcome to #VoiceInTheRoom – a campaign dedicated to amplifying the voices of people who know what it’s like to be the only voice in the room because of who they are or what they’re saying.

Whether you were the only woman, trans person, Black person, person with different abilities – or even just the only one talking about accessibility and inclusion in an environment for the first time – we want to hear from you. We are calling on anyone who has ever been the only voice in the room to join us in sharing their stories, experiences, and insights around what happens when we step into our own power and how that impacts the people, cultures, companies, and communities around us and after us. Your contribution will help create a broad collection of voices, showing that none of us is ever truly the only one and inspiring others in the tech industry to create more space for marginalized people to enter, thrive and lead.

At GET Cities, we are committed to always being the #VoiceInTheRoom talking about gender and the importance of an intersectional lens when trying to tackle what feel like the most intractable issues in tech and society. We also believe that every voice is valuable, and that tech and society are both missing out when they’re not hearing from everyone. Through our Voice in The Room campaign, we aim to show that the tech industry can and should reflect the range of identities and experiences in our society. By sharing these experiences, we also hope to spark discussion, inspire others to step up and speak up, and to promote meaningful change towards a more inclusive and equitable tech industry and society at large.

GET Cities is proud to be the voice in the room centering gender in the conversation. We believe that this campaign is an important step towards promoting gender equity in tech and creating a more inclusive environment for all. We invite you to follow #VoiceInTheRoom and #VITR to see new stories released throughout 2023 and to join us in our mission to promote a more equitable, inclusive and thriving tech industry. Together, let’s create space for all voices to be heard, respected and celebrated.