The Truth

I have several obligations as an economic development executive in pursuit of belonging, equity, inclusion and justice in our economy. One of them is to tell the truth so we can be working on the right problems in the right ways.

New Legislation Will Set Miami’s Push for Equity Behind

In his attempts to take on so-called “corporate wholeness,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed into law the Individual Freedom Bill which officially goes into effect today despite ongoing court challenges.

Navigating the “Double-Hurdle” for Marginalized People in Tech

“You can’t be what you can’t see”* is a quote commonly used by those of us doing equity-focused work. The general idea here being that until you see someone who looks like you filling a particular role,

Introducing the 2022 GET Champions

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and programs within companies large and small are quickly becoming the norm. But despite the public push for diverse workplaces and inclusionary hiring, studies show that tech teams still remain largely homogenous in terms of race and gender.

Entrepreneurship as a Way to Equity in Tech

The formal practice of changing systems, be they broken or working exactly as they are intended to, is messy, dynamic, satisfying and often frustrating work. As a part of that effort, we often ask people to acknowledge

GET Exploration Day: Building Pathways into Chicago Tech

For those not wholly familiar with the world of tech, gaining access to the industry can be daunting. There are plenty of myths out there about the level of education needed to obtain a tech role. And if you’re part of a

Meet Victoria Santamarina, Director of GET Cities Miami

We’re thrilled to welcome Victoria Santamarina to the team as the director for GET Cities Miami! Born and raised in Argentina, Victoria came to the United States in 2012 to earn her master’s degree in Liberal Arts & International Development from Duke University. She’s always had a strong connection to.

Walking the walk: Where the rubber meets the road for gender and racial equity in tech

Although not the literal definition of insanity, I often find myself relating to the common aphorism: “Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.” In my work, I often see the same strategies