First and foremost, GET Cities was focused on being the connector in the ecosystem. We aligned organizations around shared insights, goals and accountability to accelerate intersectionality and equity in the tech industry and across the economy more broadly. Many of our interventions were the groups we brought together and the facilitation of the shared pilots and learnings that came out of our collaborations.



A dynamic coalition of accelerators, incubators, funds, and ecosystem supporters aligned across shared goals to design city-wide solutions and collective infrastructure to address gender and racial inequities for Chicago-based tech founders. TEWG had over 20+ member organizations and piloted multiple collaborative interventions, nine of which scaled out to partner organizations. 

Tech Equity Network (TEN):


An alliance of ERGs (employee resource groups) and organizations focused on advancing marginalized talent in the workplace came together to test pilots and share insights and resources. Projects ranged from Mentorship Learning Labs to GET Exploration Day and other conference events. 

Big Think:

cHICAGO, DC, Miami

A place-based event with a curated group of organizations, thought-leaders, corporates, entrepreneurs, and funders that spent time together sharing their expertise and insights to collectively identify the gaps and opportunities in the market.

Hack for impact:


 A series of themed dinners centered on topics that tackled multiple angles of an issue (angel investing, mental health for entrepreneurs, etc.) with the goal of collaborating on actionable steps and building momentum, shared accountability, and community.

Innovator's Bash


 This gallery activation showcased a year’s worth of incredible innovations across multiple aspects of the ecosystem. The Innovator’s Bash was a night of music, art and mingling that celebrated the tremendous accomplishments of women, trans, and nonbinary tech founders and the allies and accomplices who amplified their missions.